I am a medical student in Ukraine and like me, thousands of Indian students come to Ukraine for pursuing a medical degree.
Yes, Ukraine is the most popular choice for students from all over the world to study medicine, especially among Indian students. There are several universities for studying medicine but only selected few are considered the best.
Your choice of university should be based on some of the below mentions facts.
cost-effectiveness- Most of the Ukrainian Universities offer the course at an economical and reasonable fee. However, certain universities can be cheaper as they are relatively newer or the university is not located in a single place but different buildings all over the city. So after every class, you’ll be in a hurry and might have to take a cab or bus to reach the next class.
surroundings - the environment you choose to study in should be calm and peaceful. It should be safe.
city- choosing the right city is an essential part of your selection of the universities. The more developed cities may have a bit higher cost of living but in the long run, they will be better as booking cabs and access to public transport is easier in such places. Developed cities tend to be more popular so the doctors will be more experienced and you will get better practical exposure.
the older universities are better in many factors the older universities have a reputation to maintain so the faculty will always try to bring out the best in you.
If you are still in a dilemma, write to me and I will guide you