At what cost is this high-quality learning provided to the students? This is the question that is answered in detail below:
Tuition Fees:
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Semey State Medical University and Kazakh National Medical University are foremost among the most ranked medical universities in Kazakhstan and on average, the study cost at medical universities in Kazakhstan will come to around 2 Lakhs INR to 5 Lakhs INR per year.
Food and Accommodation:
Kazakhstani universities provide students with a variety of housing options. They have the choice of living in university dorms/hostels or finding their lodging close to campus. Almost all university dormitories provide residents with meal plans as part of the accommodation price. The rooms may be shared with other students and will be divided by gender. The estimated value of a 1 bedroom apartment in Kazakhstan is 24000 INR.
Travel and Transport:
Kazakhstan has a well developed public transport system including intercity buses, taxis, bicycle rentals, trains, minibuses and so on. They are also striving toward developing a railway network to include more high-speed trains connecting prominent cities.
Given below is an average cost of transportation across Kazakhstan:
Other Student Expenditure:
Apart from the basics, living includes other expenditures such as movies, clothing, medical expenses, electricity, gas and recreational activities. An estimation of regular expenses is given below:
In Kazakhstan, all universities offer a free medical service at their medical facilities. These provide emergency treatment guidelines as well as personal and health consultations.
During the week, at least one medical doctor and one nurse are present at university clinics' health centres. International students, on the other hand, should bring a valid health insurance policy with them to Kazakhstan.
International students are responsible for any hospitalisation charges or medical services or treatments that are not provided by the university's health care facilities.